UX/UI Design

Ministry of Media website design

My Role
UX/UI Designer

Project Details

People are paying more attention to the power of media (YouTube, Twitter, News platforms, media, and production regulations) in Saudi Arabia especially in this time, the kingdom moving forward, and it is important to media ministry to give the right and beautiful image about what happening now in the country on the level of modernization and development that the Kingdom is witnessing, the people need to find the right information and news and regulations. media.gov.sy aims to provide all the information they need in one place to their audience by listing everything in one place.


media.gov.sa mainly speaks to the citizen and residents of Saudi Arabia also who wants to get all the information how to invest in media field from outside the kingdom

User Research

Understanding the problem

Based on our research, we recognized that there were 3 key user types that our product tried to solve problems for. We decided to focus on two Personas since their need was greatest and we could reach them via google meet, emails.

To  do complete  research  about  the  project  our  team  went  through  various  steps  and  processes  before  started  making wireframes  and  UI  Design.  Thanks  to  this  we  understood  the  main  needs  of  user  and  created  a  high-quality  wire-frames for  your  application.  Below  you  can  find  various  steps  that  have  been  included  in  user  research.


Before starting the process of creating website, we made research among users. Thanks to that we found what users are expecting from the website and what are they main goals.


We has conducted a number of different studies that were based on a variety of characters who can use this web application. Below we will demonstrate you the ideal user, based on which we are able to build User Flow.

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- To design a website application that allows fast and efficient daily work.
- To help the user minimize the time spent looking for an information.
- To support MOM Users in their daily Media activities.
- To reduce offline engagement.
- To implement the application using UX and UI methodology.

User Roles

- Media Executives
- KSA news Seeker
- News managers
- Media professionals
- Investors

Scope of Work

Phase 1:
Discovery & Web Consultancy

Phase 2:
Wire-framing (prototypes)+

Phase 3:

Phase 4:
Final documentation & consultation

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1) Cultural

It is the most exciting challenges from a design perspective. The Ministry works in an active role by identifying and preserving the Saudi identity, spreading Islamic values in the Saudi citizen's life.

Arabic user interface, at Crafton we so much experience working with Arabic web designs especially in Saudi Arabia, so it still challenges but it is manageable.

Generally, for a bilingual website, users would find the language selector quicker if we used flags. Arab users do not prefer to limit the Arabic language to a specific flag, as it is the official language in 22 countries. So, we removed the selector and Provide switching button between English and Arabic, clicking on the shortened written name of the target language would switch languages.

2) UX Audit

The current design suffers from many problems, many links force the user to leave the site in the same browser window instead of opening a new page within the browser, either to pdf files or to other sites, and this has a great impact on users and makes them feel frustrated.

There are also a lot of links that do not work, and the user is not notified that the page does not exist 404 page or is given alternatives to the page and this leads to reducing the user's engagement with the site and leaving the site, which leads to a loss of user confidence.

There are also some omitted details, for example, there is no home button in the navigation m enu and the only way to return to the home page is either by clicking on the logo or using the back button in the browser and this is not ideal, especially if the user is at lower levels on the site.

Being a media ministry and its mission is to provide information in all multimedia, there is no consistent presentation of all the elements, and it is difficult to differentiate between them and the user has to find the solution himself to navigate between all these elements, which forces him to think, and this makes him look for other sources of information.

Defining the MVP

Quick run-down of our UX design process.

First, we mapped out the project scope and potential fears and gathered some knowledge about the culture and the target audience.

Second, we built up the information architecture and held several brainstorming sessions.

Third, Usability test for the current website.

Fourth, wire-framing and low fidelity design.

Fifth, we designed the detailed UI.

Six, Testing and iteration.

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Current Information Architecture

To better understand your website, we have analyzed your current information architecture. In the further part of the document, all information about issues and our recommendations refer to that architecture of information (IA).


Our process begins with a deep research and study of existing websites that we use as benchmarks.

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High-Fidelity Prototype

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The outcome

During this project I worked directly with the project manager at Crafton to set goals and make sure we were on the right track. During this project we did many iterations of design based on feedback from the customer and users of the site and the end results were satisfactory for everyone.